Local Gym Brings Massive Attention “Making Gyms Essential”
A local gym of Ten years that was once forced to closed during the Coronavirus situation has found a way to promote metabolic health in order to help protect against disease.
Brandon Kelly founder and CEO of both Undisputed Strength and Undisputed Nutrition is confident this is a movement worth fighting for. He claims his intention is to combat fear by pushing how things like efficient sleep, stress management, eating healthy and exercise are vital in raising the immune system to assist in the fight against disease. He says “these aspects of health are all part of the fitness industry”.
Undisputed Strength Co. has been back in business since the shut-down for well over a year, but with the rise of fear creeping back around, Kelly tends to be proactive and be an advocate for other gym owners and gym members that rely heavily on the culture of exercise for a better quality of life. “We must not make the same mistake again and shut down gyms” says Kelly.
“Let’s make this clear, this isn’t about politics, the majority of politicians and health ministers rarely, if ever, discuss immune health through basic life choices, and many appear to be extremely unhealthy and out of shape. So no! This has nothing to do with politics, This is about getting the word out there that metabolic health is always paramount, this is about making the community that we raise our children stronger”
Shanelle Luckey, a lead trainer, said “In full retrospect, this could be a very stressful time and we understand that… We recognize exercise is a stress reliever and we want to reach our members and the community that there are a lot of ways to drastically raise your immune system…and gyms are a huge backbone of this.
Rosie Cardenas says ”Even though we train in a group basis here I do know that exercise contributes to individual stresses… “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, and gyms provide awareness that this statement is so true”
On September 25th Undisputed is putting on an event to raise awareness to metabolic health. With the help of Joliet Central High School, the event will be on the football field under the lights, making this an event worth taking the family too as they are expecting close to one-hundred participants from all over the Chicago-land area.
For more information on this event->